Failed States and the Rule of Law


  • Charles Sampford Griffith Law School, Australia



The last decade has seen an emerging consensus that the rule of law is critical in both domestic and international affairs. ‘Failed’ states generate important issues for both the rule of law and, importantly, for their intersection or interaction. A ‘failed’ state almost inevitably involves a breakdown of the domestic rule of law. When international intervention occurs, it raises concerns over substantive issues. Among these is the application of international law and international norms, including among other, the conventions and treaties, the responsibility to protect and protection of civilians. Where international missions seek to assist the people of ‘failed’ states in rebuilding their nations, establishing the rule of law is often the primary or initial pursuit. Any such international assistance/intervention is more effective if it is clearly subject to the rule of law and provides an exemplar/demonstration of how power should be exercised.


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Author Biography

Charles Sampford, Griffith Law School, Australia

The author is Director of the Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law, a joint initiative of the United Nations University, Griffith, Queensland University of Technology, and the Australian National University. He has written 102 articles and chapters in leading journals and collections ranging through constitutional law, legal philosophy, legal education, politics, applied ethics and economics and has completed twenty two books and edited collections for international publishers including OUP, Blackwell, Routledge, Cavendish and Ashgate. He is currently the leader of a major project on ‘Building the Rule of Law in International Affairs’ involving the UNU, UN Rule of Law Unit, UN Office of Legal Affairs and the Center for International Governance Innovation in Canada




How to Cite

Sampford, C. (2011). Failed States and the Rule of Law. Jindal Journal of International Affairs, 1(1), 119–147.



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