Japan and ASEAN partnership :

From Fukuda to Abe Doctrine


  • Yasuyuki Ishida International Relations and Asian Studies




With the development of ASEAN as a regional institution, Japan-ASEAN relations have matured into a strategic partnership based on friendship and cooperation. The long-standing partnership has developed following Japan’s wellknown diplomatic approach, so-called as the Fukuda Doctrine of 1977, toward a “heart-to-heart” relationship. Japan has steadily provided economic cooperation, ODA and various initiatives and funds for ASEAN’s development and its community building including economic infrastructure building, competitive environment for investment, human resource development, technical assistance, education and health care. Recent cooperation projects have extended to disaster management, people-to-people exchange, maritime safety, and ASEAN connectivity. With growing interdependence, Japan and ASEAN regard each other as indispensable partners. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has strengthened the Strategic Partnership further following the Five Principles of Japan’s ASEAN Diplomacy in 2013. Facing China’s expansion and majorpowers’ competition, Japan-ASEAN strategic partnership needs further multilayered cooperation on ASEAN’s community building and connectivity in Southeast Asia as well as on its leading role in ASEAN-centered regional institutions in Asia and the Indo-Pacific region.


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Author Biography

Yasuyuki Ishida, International Relations and Asian Studies

Yasuyuki Ishida is a Japanese scholar of International Relations and Asian Studies, currently working on Japan's policy in Asia and the Indo-Pacific region




How to Cite

Ishida, Y. (2018). Japan and ASEAN partnership : : From Fukuda to Abe Doctrine. Jindal Journal of International Affairs, 6(2), 12–37. https://doi.org/10.54945/jjia.v2i2.83





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