Fighting the Colonel :

Sanctions and the Use of Force




This article begins by briefly examining the history of various sanctions on Libya during four decades of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi’s rule. The analysis then focuses on the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 and 1973, which imposed fresh sanctions and authorised the use of force to protect Libya’s civilian population. The article compares the text of the two resolutions and the different forms of support they gained. It also brings into consideration the concept of ’Responsibility to Protect’(R2P) and argues that R2P informs both of these two resolutions, and has been furthered by the international intervention in Libya. The article concludes with a discussion that addresses the difficult judgment whether the Security Council’s actions on Libya represent a triumph or a danger for the emerging norm of R2P.


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Author Biography

Vesselin Popovski, Jindal Global Law School

Dr. Vesselin Popovski is a Senior Academic Programme Officer at the United Nations University, Tokyo. He undertakes research and teaching in peace and security, international law, human rights, and international criminal justice. He has published numerous chapters in books and articles in peer-reviewed journals and edited the following books: International Criminal Accountability and the Rights of Children with Karin Arts (Hague Academic Press, 2006); World Religions and Norms of War with Greg Reichberg and Nick Turner (UNU Press, 2009); Democracy in the South with Brendan Howe and Mark Notaras (UNU Press 2010); Human Rights Regimes in the Americas with Monica Serrano (UNU Press 2010). He is completing a trilogy: Engaging Civil Society, Building Trust in Government, and Cross-Border Governance with Shabbir Cheema (UNU Press 2010). Before coming to UNU, he took part in two major international initiatives: ICISS Report Responsibility to Protect and Princeton Principles of Universal Jurisdiction, and co-authored their final publications.




How to Cite

Popovski, V. (2011). Fighting the Colonel :: Sanctions and the Use of Force. Jindal Journal of International Affairs, 1(1), 148–161.



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